Sabtu, 09 Juli 2016

Thirty days write poems

Early Sunday morning - Opening

Hello. I don't know what should i write first here, but I just want to let you know about my project in writing poem during thirty days (hmm, still confuse whether it will be uploaded everyday or randomly). Actually, this project was did by one of my childhood friend, Seruni, you can call her Uni, she wrote her thirty poems earlier on one of her social media. So...I'll try to follow it. Every poem will be written in italic at the center position. So, hope it will make you easy to differ it from the other celoteh.

Hi Uni! If you read this (I know you will read, cz i give the link to you, hahaha) I hope you support me, read my poems, and thank you for inspiring me.

-SDN, Seruni, Dian, Nia-

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